All Things In App Purchase!



  • GuyPoopGuyPoop Member Posts: 4
    IN APP ALL THE WAY! just look at the poll lol
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Now guys, there's two sides to this. But with all honesty I would really like to have in app purchases. Especially because the mac app store now supports it with Lion :D

  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    I want to ask a question:

    is there anything bad if IAP is here?

    why is there 22% of the people doesn't want it?

  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Calvin No one doesn't want GS to support IAP. We just want far more important features first. The User who started the thread just gave piss poor options for the poll. Thats the thing with polls. You can easily skew the answers to help support your point your point.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    no, the question is "i sIAP awesome"?

    it is not"do we need IAP ASAP?"
  • MrshoestoreMrshoestore Member Posts: 181
    Well Calvin, first, the thread is called "we need IN APP ASAP"

    which some think isn't true. It's not a priority over other things.

    And the poll says "Isn't INAPP Awesome?"
    Which some people think it isn't. Maybe they just think it's ok. That doesn't mean they said they didn't want it.

    In fact, not one person said they didn't want IN APP, they just said they don't want it to take priority over other features.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    I think the poll simply stats that there is only 22% of GS users who are true hardcore game makers, who know whats best. Who feel that iAP though nice.. isnt on the top of the list of things that should come out first. Just look at it like this. The faster they get stuff out.. The quicker they can get to work on what you want, Just let it happen. Its will get here....
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    I've been staying out of this argument, but I'd like to point out something about this argument that I see a lot in arguments I'm in. Pro-in app people, you seem to think that the others think that in app is a bad thing. That's not true: they only think there are other, more important features, such as tables/arrays and collision shapes, that are more necessary. And other people (who I think I should point out I am one of) you seem to think that all the pro-iappers all think iapp is the most important feature. Some, including the person who started this thread (as the title shows) do see this is a top priority, but there are others who simply are defending the undeniable fact that iapps can be a good thing. So my suggestion to everyone here is to not lose sight of your personal view in hopes of winning the argument. Otherwise, you'll end up like the person I recently encountered who wouldn't believe I hadn't spit in a piece of pizza I gave him (I hadn't and never would) and, after 3 or 4 minutes of arguing with himself about it, decided that telling me to spit on the pizza would win him the argument. Obviously, it didn't. It just gave me a good laugh and a story to tell. So just keep in mind: when you lose sight of your goals, all you end up with is a perfectly good piece of pizza on a perfectly dirty piece of carpet.

  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    Just to echo the sentiment of many others (mainly pro users it would seem)

    yes.. IAP is a nice feature, and it would be nice to have and what have you.
    But there are far more pressing things that need to be fixed/added before any major new features are added.

    1. The scene editor is....let's be honest here....rubbish. I love it, because it exists, but it is missing some major key features that a visual editor should have (zoom, snap, being able to move an object with the mouse if it is less than 24 px without it snapping to be 24 px...."little" things like that)
    2. Arrays
    3. Better memory management and loading between scenes. The other comparable middleware out there "seem" to do this much better at the moment.

    So yes.. in the really fully featured(!) poll that started this thread, IAP could well be awesome/useful...but do we really NEED it asap. I would argue not.

    Those of you who were around at the time will remember lots of people arguing that we NEEDED iads as soon as humanly possible......and iads are next to useless (in monetizing terms) for 99.9% of users. As an example, I earn around $30-$50 a good month from iads. Not the thousands you would have expected if you had listened to the people bleating on about iads being the saviour, at the time it was all kicking off. The IAP argument feels all too familiar I'm afraid.
  • AddictiveGamesAddictiveGames Member Posts: 105
    Sparkyidr said:
    Those of you who were around at the time will remember lots of people arguing that we NEEDED iads as soon as humanly possible......and iads are next to useless (in monetizing terms) for 99.9% of users. As an example, I earn around $30-$50 a good month from iads. Not the thousands you would have expected if you had listened to the people bleating on about iads being the saviour, at the time it was all kicking off. The IAP argument feels all too familiar I'm afraid.

    Hey Sparky,

    I understand your doubts, however the comparison between iads and IAP is Unfair. Take Zynga for example. On Friday they released their Q1 revenue details:

    - In Game Revenue : $222.4 million
    - Online Advertising Revenue: $13 million

    Source: Techcrunch

    Do you see? ..they made 95% of Q1 revenue from in game purchases. Just like you Zynga made very little from in game ads. I'm not saying we can all be Zyngas, I'm not saying IAP will make a bad game good either but you should at least be able to see the difference in revenue. Its massive. In-game advertising has never been a money maker. Very few games even before iAds came out ever made a lot of money from in-game ads. You need hundreds of thousands of active players. But IAP is different, done right I think most of us can make more money... there's also a reason why these games dominate the iTunes top grossing charts?

    A final thought mate ... have you ever heard about the story about boy who cried wolf? What if the majority are right this time?
  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033

    You are right of course, IAP is a far more useful feature than iads ever was/is.

    But taking your Zygna games as an example.

    With GS, can we get to a stage where we have made a game such as one of theirs that uses IAP for micro transactions.

    I would argue that without arrays for one most

    To add to the actual discussion though :

    What would most people use IAP for in their games. Some real world examples if you can.
    (Other than having a single app for lite/full...which is a great way of doing it imo)
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    calvin9403 said:
    I want to ask a question:

    is there anything bad if IAP is here?

    why is there 22% of the people doesn't want it?


    Personally, I want IAP. But not before things like GC Achievements etc.
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Dizko said:
    Personally, I want IAP. But not before things like GC Achievements etc.

    I think that's the crux of the matter for me.

    I love my games, I really do. But they don't feel 'complete' to me.

    GameCenter was a massive step in the right direction. Now all I really need is GC Achievements and Facebook/Twitter.

    Then I'll have a 'complete' game.

    Then stuff like Arrays/tables allow us all to broaden our horizons and make a greater variety of games. And better memory management would mean that our games might load faster, and that we might be able to have more going on on-screen (where's the garbage collection???).

    As has been mentioned, other people have different priorities, and it pains me to say it but I think the GameSalad team is pretty much on your side.

    From my personal point of view, I find it absolutely horrendous and heartbreaking that most people would rather we go without these basic features, and others, for even longer in favour of IAP sooner.

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • SparkyidrSparkyidr Member Posts: 2,033
    >>most people would rather we go without these basic features, and others, for even longer in favour of IAP sooner.

    you totally hit the nail on the head with that, and as you say, it seems from our point of view, that the GS dev teams think so too. :(

    Surely something like....being able to multiple select objects in the scene editor HAS to be a priority over something like IAP??? Or do I have my priorities wrong?

    I want to make good games...that hopefully will make some money

    Not half arsed games.....that hopefully will make some money (but maybe in a different way)
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Sparkyidr said:
    >>most people would rather we go without these basic features, and others, for even longer in favour of IAP sooner.

    you totally hit the nail on the head with that, and as you say, it seems from our point of view, that the GS dev teams think so too. :(

    Surely something like....being able to multiple select objects in the scene editor HAS to be a priority over something like IAP??? Or do I have my priorities wrong?

    I want to make good games...that hopefully will make some money

    Not half arsed games.....that hopefully will make some money (but maybe in a different way)

    Or even being able to copy and paste instances of actors on the stage.
  • osalzanoosalzano Member, PRO Posts: 136
    quantumsheep said:
    GameCenter was a massive step in the right direction. Now all I really need is GC Achievements and Facebook/Twitter.

    I couldn't agree more, QS...

    There's another point we must take in consideration: someone listed the top 10 grossing apps some "pages ago" and, it's true, almost all of them has IAP.

    BUT... All of them are also SOCIAL GAMES. It's not IAP that makes these games successful but the social aspect.

    It's pure illusion that your game will make more money simply by implementing IAP. But a catchy and polished game, with a smart (and not exactly expensive) marketing strategy surely can.

    I can be a bit strong in my words but this is my opinion: It seems that this forum is still full of people wanting to make easy money. Ditto.
  • GamePizzaGamePizza Member, PRO Posts: 227
    are there plans for Gamesalad to support In app purchases someday in the future?
  • GaranasGaranas Member Posts: 86
    plans maybe. at the moment no can do. Gamesalad is pretty basic - no multiplayer either, or loading data via api or feed.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Id say both of you should take a look at the stickies. Its amazing the answers you will find by just taking a look around.
  • GaranasGaranas Member Posts: 86
    tshirtbooth said:
    in app purchase is due this month.

    this month? nice!

    show me the sticky that says "in app purchase is due this month" and i will pray 50 digital ave marios ;)
  • GaranasGaranas Member Posts: 86
    now that´s a hefty roadmap. if even half of that is coming i´m starting to think about a pro version of GS ;)
  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    I personally cannot wait for in app purchases. Once they come out Huzzah!
  • GamePizzaGamePizza Member, PRO Posts: 227
    Yeah that would great to have in app purchases! The other planned features would also be great! But in app purchases definitely tops my list of not just desired but necessary features.
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    For me In App Purchase is THE feature I need!

    Wanted a LONG time ago :D
  • BlackbirdStudiosBlackbirdStudios Member Posts: 493
    tenrdrmer said:
    Id say both of you should take a look at the stickies. Its amazing the answers you will find by just taking a look around.

    +1 I agree, it would save us all a lot of time if people would just search for the answer before asking. And if everyone checked the stickies every once and awhile, that would be great too.
    Mammoth said:
    I personally cannot wait for in app purchases. Once they come out Huzzah!

    Same here, I have already started building my current games around the impending IAP Release Of Awesomeness!!!
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    I will need IAP and GC ach now for my game

    I can't really do anything without those now
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    calvin9403 said:
    I will need IAP and GC ach now for my game

    I can't really do anything without those now

    How Are they stoping you from even developing your game?

    More than likely you will just have to use a boolean To unlock your IAP and a Boolean to Tell it to post an achievement.
  • calvin9403calvin9403 Member Posts: 3,186
    tenrdrmer said:
    How Are they stoping you from even developing your game?

    More than likely you will just have to use a boolean To unlock your IAP and a Boolean to Tell it to post an achievement.

    yes of course

    I mean I am done doing every thing already, I just need those two
  • MammothMammoth Member Posts: 640
    So I have been thinking a lot of about in app purchases. So how is it going to work?

    I think the sequence of the events is

    - you bush the buy button
    - it unlocks a Boolean
    - the Boolean does something.

    But what if you want to buy more currency

    - you push buy
    - you get more currency.

    You can buy as much as you want.

    Does anybody have any experience with IAP outside of game salad?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Merged Your Thread Mammoth. Lets keep all the IAP talk to one thread.

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