I realize that this may not be practical, but what would be really nice would be an actor editor and animator within Gamesalad, if you've used Multimedia Fusion 2 or TGF2, you'll know what I mean.
* A flag on actors to activate automatic in front of/behind drawing based on Y position - this would remove the need for half-working hacks which power things like DBA's awesome Double Dragon template. All 2.5d games would benefit hugely from this.
* A 'save all/load all attributes' feature for easy saving (or maybe a 'save all/load all attributes sharing a particular key' - that way you could still isolate a few attributes easily, and also easily add and remove attributes from the big save behaviour on the fly
* More fonts, or easier ability to BYO fonts - what some people have called custom fonts.
If you read my comments here GS staff, thanks for staggering through this 8 page topic.
1. Movie clips 2. No shakiness for long animations (I don't know if this is a problem, or something I don't know how to fix) 3. No blurring actors when their image isn't divisible by 4 4. allowing animated gifs, and not just image sequences 5. Higher frame rate options
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
1) Online multiplayer 2) Performance 3) XML file support 4) Select multiple actors in creator for moving, copying and pasting (dreamgold's request) 5) Align actors to each other: left, right center, etc...
Braydon_SFXMember, Sous Chef, Bowlboy SidekickPosts: 9,273
i would like to have ALL of the publishing info in a tab of the game. So i only have to fill it out ONCE add the screen shot, icon, keywords, splash screen .. EVERYTHING.
this way when i hit publish i don't have to fill all the same stuff EVERY time
some times i make 20 adhocs in a day for testing and entering all that stuff in every times is a pain in the but.
I would like to have the ability to work in teams with GS. If I have a three person programming team working on a project, we should be able to work on separate parts of the code and then bring them together. Being able to import/export snippets of code/objects etc.
1. Better layout and use of tables 2. Relative to viewed screen (if camera has moved. Easier for making HUD and stuff) 3. READ AND WRITE TABLES!!!!! (x10000. I know they're coming out soon, but faster is better. This will increase game awesomeness by a LOT) 4. Different types of "Keyboard Input" 5. More of these "What Features Do You Want?" threads.
It's been 5 weeks since the last GS update. When do we expect the next update of GS? And are the RW Tables/ GCA / Improved Engine coming in this update? Please let us know, because PRO members like us are planning ahead and expecting these updates ASAP.
1. Give the users a chance to change Playhaven ads to Gamesalad logo. Right now submitting apps to Apple is useless, because you'll only get through with luck. Not interested in creating an app for weeks/months, and then getting rejected on submit because of forced ads.
A search function for the attribute browser and expression editor would be cool. So you can just type in what your looking for, and not have to scroll. Helpful if you have a ton of attributes.
@PLStudio … wont touch upon all the definition of a joint!
in gameProgramming a joint makes a chain-relationship a complex relationship for individual X, Y, RotationAngle … between 2 or more actors/parts and thus the movement of one actor/part affects the other actors/parts in that chain
@pinata14 … "oh i just remembered, i think we should be able to have custom scripts that we can put into the list of behaviors..."
we can do this … click: Behaviors > Custom … and drag your Rules/Behaviors/Groups there then drag onto prototypes or actorInstances … (customBehaviors are there for you to use to speed up development … they do not appear in your app!)
rules/behaviors are at times actor/instance specific … especially when they reference a game/scene attribute so hopefully those attributes drag as blank to new projects
1. Native Code 2. Joints 3. Movie (for instructional Video) 4. Custom Loading Wheel/Bar (The ones apple provides) 5. Push Notifications 6. When the SDK becomes native code, pro user ability to add an SDK (Like admob..)
From a basic functionality side, being able to zoom in and out in the level editor would be a HUGE help. Also, layer folders that stay open until you close them yourself. And yes, joints would be awesome.
1. The ability to pass an attribute from GS to the web. For example if a user does something and gets a score, I should be able to load a dynamic URL based on that score (you do this with twitter so enhancing the existing open URL feature is definately possible)
2. Push notifications
3. I would love a better layout for the scene/ actor editor with palettes (like photoshop, unity or any Apple Mac app) instead of having to go back and forth to different views all the time
4. The ability to access the camera / camera roll
5. GS is great for making games, however it also gives non programmers a great way to make simple (non game) apps. As is it's actually very good but the major feature it's lacking is the ability to load data in and out from outside GS. Any way you want to add this ability would be great with me :-)
PS A better way to manage assets (folders maybe) - it really is a bit messy
Pretty happy with the creator as it is now thanks to Achievements and Twitter!
If you pushed me (stop pushing!) I'd now request:
Custom Fonts Facebook posting (like your awesome Twitter posting, but, you know, using Facebook!) Writeable tables GameCenter for Mac (coming with Mountain Lion)
I was told recently by a GS staff member that 'As long as the sheep is happy, everyone's happy'.
2. Custom fonts
3. Flexible layers (It'd be nice to place objects anywhere in the layer stack and not have the constrain behaviors cause them to go squirrely.)
PS: this is different from just linking to a facebook/twitter page.
* A 'save all/load all attributes' feature for easy saving (or maybe a 'save all/load all attributes sharing a particular key' - that way you could still isolate a few attributes easily, and also easily add and remove attributes from the big save behaviour on the fly
* More fonts, or easier ability to BYO fonts - what some people have called custom fonts.
If you read my comments here GS staff, thanks for staggering through this 8 page topic.
2. No shakiness for long animations (I don't know if this is a problem, or something I don't know how to fix)
3. No blurring actors when their image isn't divisible by 4
4. allowing animated gifs, and not just image sequences
5. Higher frame rate options
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
2) Performance
3) XML file support
4) Select multiple actors in creator for moving, copying and pasting (dreamgold's request)
5) Align actors to each other: left, right center, etc...
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
1. Copy / Paste actors with attributes from scene to scene
2. Intro video
3. Custom loading
4. Pixel collision
5. Sounds from scene tot scene
Thanks in advance!
4.Cheaper pro
2. Relative to viewed screen (if camera has moved. Easier for making HUD and stuff)
3. READ AND WRITE TABLES!!!!! (x10000. I know they're coming out soon, but faster is better. This will increase game awesomeness by a LOT)
4. Different types of "Keyboard Input"
5. More of these "What Features Do You Want?" threads.
And are the RW Tables/ GCA / Improved Engine coming in this update? Please let us know, because PRO members like us are planning ahead and expecting these updates ASAP.
2. Joints
3. Custom Loading Bar
4. Any other add ons would just make life a lot more happier..
in gameProgramming
a joint makes a chain-relationship
a complex relationship for individual X, Y, RotationAngle … between 2 or more actors/parts
and thus the movement of one actor/part affects the other actors/parts in that chain
example would be a swinging chain … with each link behaving individual in relationship to the whole chain …and ragdoll physics … http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragdoll_physics
we can do this …
click: Behaviors > Custom … and drag your Rules/Behaviors/Groups there
then drag onto prototypes or actorInstances …
(customBehaviors are there for you to use to speed up development …
they do not appear in your app!)
rules/behaviors are at times actor/instance specific …
especially when they reference a game/scene attribute
so hopefully those attributes drag as blank to new projects
@};- MH
2. Joints
3. Movie (for instructional Video)
4. Custom Loading Wheel/Bar (The ones apple provides)
5. Push Notifications
6. When the SDK becomes native code, pro user ability to add an SDK (Like admob..)
2. System Performance
3. Custom Collision
4. Writable Tables
5. Custom Loading Wheel
2. Writable Tables
3. Mobclix
4. Facebook SDK
2. Push notifications
3. I would love a better layout for the scene/ actor editor with palettes (like photoshop, unity or any Apple Mac app) instead of having to go back and forth to different views all the time
4. The ability to access the camera / camera roll
5. GS is great for making games, however it also gives non programmers a great way to make simple (non game) apps. As is it's actually very good but the major feature it's lacking is the ability to load data in and out from outside GS. Any way you want to add this ability would be great with me :-)
PS A better way to manage assets (folders maybe) - it really is a bit messy
if text.string.count > 5 then
alert("Please enter a name that is less than or equal to five ")
end if
this is regarding the keyboard functions built in with gamesalad
Array writing-shuffle.
better physic.
Grid, snap,
No pub on the free version.
If you pushed me (stop pushing!) I'd now request:
Custom Fonts
Facebook posting (like your awesome Twitter posting, but, you know, using Facebook!)
Writeable tables
GameCenter for Mac (coming with Mountain Lion)
I was told recently by a GS staff member that 'As long as the sheep is happy, everyone's happy'.
Make it so!
DDr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io