Thanks Yoda! This is great news!..... One less person in the running for a T-Shirt and Knives. Now, lets watch as this thread continues to go on for days waiting for the 500th poster...;-) Good Luck!
Can you say anything about the situation in general, if you would be so kind? Like, do you know of something that makes GS safe, but not other tools like Unity3D, RunRev, Flash, etc? Or perhaps makes them safe too?
There are subtle differences in the way those tools do their thing, and it would be good to know if there was one aspect that makes GS safe in particular.
Just wanted to say thanks for a most thrilling week, I've been updating this thread a LOT of times, and I've had a lot of fun reading everyones comments. Sure hope the storm is over, since I would hate to see this community go down. Cheers!
"I still think people are looking way too far into this
apple likes to be able to reject stuff period. Now they just have legit reason to point to when a dev calls them out. It's a shut you up clause plain and simple.
They always have and always will do what they want
@rebump, I see how GS, and Unity3d come to that, are safer than most, but according to the strict terms of 3.3.1, it's still not straight Objective-C, is it? Even if all of our attributes are converted to Objective-C, they started life as behaviors and non-Objective-C expressions. Apple would have to fine tune the language in order to single out Flash. At which point Adobe's rumored suit would get stronger.
Hopefully will put people more at ease that you guys are on the case
Cheers, Weswog
Again...Go Chefs...mix that salad, add some chile to the mix...oh, and dont forget the dressing ;~)
Good Luck!
Is this comp rigged?
DOH - I'm out of the running. ;-p
(I'm new here so don't really deserve the shirt)
and what do we win?
a free iPad would be awesome!
Can you say anything about the situation in general, if you would be so kind? Like, do you know of something that makes GS safe, but not other tools like Unity3D, RunRev, Flash, etc? Or perhaps makes them safe too?
There are subtle differences in the way those tools do their thing, and it would be good to know if there was one aspect that makes GS safe in particular.
Short of the executing Lua and interpreting XML files for content, I think we are probably safer than most.
Perhaps Yoda is double-talking and trying to avoid this issue...
!!!!!!!!!!! Conspiracy theories LIVE ON !!!!!!!!!!!!
to quote myself......
"I still think people are looking way too far into this
apple likes to be able to reject stuff period. Now they just have legit reason to point to when a dev calls them out.
It's a shut you up clause plain and simple.
They always have and always will do what they want
Nothing will be any different for gs on april 22"