Help IAPs rejected by Apple
Sorry to spam the forums, but timing is everything as I have three concurrent releases, two updates, and a new games. I have been rejected twice by Apple over In-app purchases, even though they work fine on all three of my ad hoc devices.
I'm not sure if it's a code problem, but it seems like a gamesalad problem, and wanted to know if anyone else could help me look it over, or have any advice on what I can do. Right now, I'm just in a holding pattern, and going a bit stir crazy.
Having the same issue - holding off on re-submitting until I hear something.
I'm using 10.4.1, so it's not the RC that's an issue, and I have another game that got approved with IAPs. It's just so frustrating since Apple gives you such very little feedback.
call them
I have had the same issues (rejected twice)...very frustrating. I encourage everyone to complete a tech support page...
Anyone have any suggestions to get me out of this holding pattern?
Also make sure you select only your country or you will have to make a language a description for all the ones you made.
I have been rejected twice also. it is a Gamesalad bug. Here is my rejection letter again. @BlackCloakGS and @tatiang can we get some light shed on this as it appears there are a lot of people this is happening to. Again my app is already live with in app purchases but since Publishing 3 weeks ago, the binary is getting rejected with the following message:
Specifically, we found that the user is unable to purchase the newly submitted In-App Purchase. After the user inputs valid account information for the In-App Purchase, the app attempts to make the purchase but no further action occurs.
Here is the other thread relating to this issue:
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
I got rejected twice today also, cause the iap problem ...
Any word from those at the top? Just curious if a resolution is in sight...
same case for me, i just rejected twice because my IAP loading wheel kept spinning on ipad ios 7.1, although i test it just fine in ad hoc mode. I don't know the problem is in GS or apple. I think they test on ipad air with 64-bit proc. My pro just run out a few days ago, and i think i'll wait for GS or apple to fix it before i renew my pro acc.
Any word at all? All I'd like to know is that the issue is being looked at and a possible timetable for a remedy.
I think you should consider submitting a bug report. That will get it on GameSalad's radar.
Yes we are looking in to it.
I just had one of my apps also get rejected with this same issue:
2.2: Apps that exhibit bugs will be rejected
We found that your app exhibited one or more bugs, when reviewed on iPad running iOS 7.1, on both Wi-Fi and cellular networks, which is not in compliance with the App Store Review Guidelines.
Can not purchase IAP then app becomes unresponsive.
The steps to reproduce are:
I am glad I'm not the only one with this issue, but it would be good if it's resolved soon. It sounds like a compiler issue to me. I have three other IAPs that they have not picked up on, yet. Unless they tried this one first and didn't continue with the others.
FWIW - I've tested this on a iPad Mini Retina running 7.1 and using the same ad hoc build I've not experienced their issue. Maybe this is a 64bit thing if they are using iPad Airs.
Same problem here. Several rejections. Relieved that I am not the problem.
@BlackCloakGS I have just received a log file of the error from Apple, if it is of any help.
DM me your email and I can pass it along if you guys need it.
They said they were using an iPad Air running 7.1. They ignored my 64bit question.
Hope that helps move this issue along...
Go to the support link. And send it to them through that form. Link to this thread as a reference if you want but the only sure fire way that a GS staffer follows up with this is to get it into their official log.
I have fixed all the IAP issues( the crash and the sandbox rejection) there should be a fix coming in the RC.
Hopefully it fixes all these issues
Thank you for the update, it's good to know that it's not just me, and that there's a fix on the GS side. Can't wait for 11.0.7
Great news @BlackCloakGS But does this mean the game needs to be published using 11.0.7 to fix the IAP issue or is this fixed on the compiler side? (meaning we just need to regenerate) As I used 10.4.1 to get this issue with Apple.
@FatFish for now yes you will have to publish with Once we know the fix 100% works I will look into back porting it to
OK great, thanks for confirming this @BlackCloakGS
@BlackCloakGS THANK YOU! As someone who has never used the release candidates, are there things I should be aware of when downloading and using them? Today is the fourth time the app was rejected and would be interested in using 11.0.7 if I thought it would help.
Yes you should be aware that using the rc or nightly builds can have unexpected results. You certainly should not open your main file in a new version with out first having a back up. And you most certainly should not publish and submit your app without first testing an adhoc build on a device.
Sounds good...thanks for the information. Since I don't normally work with the rc or nightly builds, what is generally the time table for the fix being available to all in
Not trying to push it, but I have two apps ready and this is holding me back...excited and would like iAPs to work soon. Thanks
I've submitted a 11.0.7 version back to Apple yesterday. I'll keep you guys updated if it goes through ok, or not.
The wait begins... taps fingers
@FatFish did u need to make many adjustment for 11.0.7? I noticed that my universal app would need to have some graphics changed. Just curious.